A powerful combination

Combining CSePub’s Personal Wellness and Physical Activity modules with U Got This! provides an immersive learning experience for your students.

Features That Professors Love

It Keeps the Conversation Going
Three 10-minute, short, dynamic online training modules delivered at different intervals over a period of time optimizes learning retention and are accessible on desktop, laptop, and mobile devices.

It’s Tracked for You
Most schools want to ensure that their whole population receives valuable lessons in how to build a respectful environment. We track your students’ completion of training modules for school compliance needs.

It’s Customizable

  • Examines unchecked attitudes that contribute to a cultural tolerance of relationship violence
  • Incorporates campus SaVE prevention mandates into easily absorbed objectives
  • Explores intervention needs among a diverse range of identities
  • Provides tools and simulated scenarios for individuals to engage in bystander intervention.

U Got This! Your Online Guide to Speak Up, Step In, and Create a Better Campus for All.


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